As a lāhui, there are many political options that we may pursue to re-establish a Hawaiian nation. Numerous Kanaka Maoli leaders are pursuing such options. A set of standard questions was posed to those leaders, some of whom provide their answers below. These questions focus on their goals, how they propose to achieve them, and their perspectives on important issues such as education, ʻāina and health for our lāhui.



The chart below includes responses received from The Institute for the Advancement of Hawaiian Affairs (IAHA), Kingdom of Hawai‘i, Ka Lāhui Hawai‘i (KLH). Other entities have yet to respond. These entities include:

The Institute for the Advancement of Hawaiian Affairs (IAHA)Kingdom of Hawai‘iKa Lāhui Hawai‘i (KLH)
Who is your leadership?Pōkā LaenuiInterim Provisional Government Council/Privy CouncilKiaʻāina: Mililani Trask, Josiah “Black” Hoohuli, Lehua Kinilau
What is the authority of your proposed model of governance?The IAHA recognize the General Rules of the Right to Self-Determination and we support the draft independence constitution by the ʻAha Hawaiʻi ʻŌiwi.The Law of Nations and the 1887 Hawaiian Kingdom Constitution.International Human Rights Law, the Right of all peoples to Self-Determination, and ten years of legal and historical research, and many community meetings, were conducted and resulted in the 1st constitutional convention.
When did you begin to organize?The IAHA was founded in 1980 and was formerly the Sovereignty for Hawaiʻi Committee.The Interim Provisional Government Council / Privy Council is a Pro Tem Governmental Council [acting/provisional/for the time being] and was formally formed on April 1, 1994.KLH was created in 1987 by 250 Hawaiian delegates who attended KLH’s first constitutional convention held in Hilo.
What is your goal?The goal of the IAHA is to advance the Hawaiian affairs in all of its manifestations.The reinstatement of the De Jure Kingdom of Hawai’i.KLH is a native initiative for self-governance under international law and its goals are set forth in the constitution & also are expanded by the policies set by the Standing Committees (Health, Education, etc.)
How are you going to achieve your goal?The advancement of Hawaiian affairs can be achieved in many ways such as education, health care, Hawaiian organizations and increasing their political power, and through obtaining greater support for the integrity of the Hawaiian nation in the international arena.The Law of Nations. It is the foundation of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi in it constitutions and intercourse with other countries, furthermore the Queen’s protest to U.S. President Harrison is the foundation for the reinstatement process.1 KLH leadership is based on a democratic & elective process for the Executive & Mokuna. The Alii is not elected but is identified in the Constitution. The Kupuna Council is designated by each island.
What path of governance do you propose?The IAHA support both independence as well as federal recognition. We believe in the use of the conjunction “and” as opposed to “or” and see that the use of the wrong conjunction has resulted in the unnecessary division of our people.Independence.This is determined by the policies & actions taken by the Mokuna.
Who can be citizens?For the Kumu Hawaiʻi house, only native Hawaiians, regardless of blood quantum, are eligible. For the General Citizenry, descendants of Hawaiian Kingdom nationals/subjects and who also meet the naturalization laws of the Hawaiian nation.As the laws of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi state, to those born or naturalized within the Kingdom.KLHʻs Constitution states that people with any quantum of Hawaiian blood may enroll as citizens of Ka Lāhui.2 Ka Lāhui also extends “Honorary Citizenship” to individuals who are not of Hawaiian ancestry.3 Honorary Citizens are not entitled to the rights and privileges afforded to full citizens.4 Residency is required.
Who can vote?For Kumu Hawaiʻi, you must be a Native Hawaiian and are subject to the rules to be established by the Kumu Hawaiʻi. For the General Public, you must be a Hawaiian citizen and subject to the specific rules to be established by the government.As the laws of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi state in the 1890 election laws and the 1887 Constitution (as amended in 1890).Any Hawaiian who is and has been a citizen of KLH for a period of one (1) year, who has resided in his elective Mokupuni (Island), and who is the age of eighteen (18) years or older, shall have the right to vote. Residency is required.5
Who can run for office?The Kumu Hawaiʻi would require that the individual be of native Hawaiian ancestry and subject to other rules of the Kumu Hawaiʻi, and for the General Public, there is no ethnic or racial criteria.As the laws of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi state in the 1890 election laws and the 1887 Constitution (as amended).The Kiaʻāina shall have been a Hawaiʻi resident for not less than three (3) years, a citizen of KLH, of Hawaiian ancestry, and shall not be less than thirty (30) years of age on the date of his election.6
What would the education system look like?Public Education for everyone in Hawaiʻi would be available and mandatory for all children up to the 12th grade or age 18.To be determined by the reinstated De Jure Government of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi.KLH’s Master Plan anticipates that Aliʻi Trusts for Education & Health (KSBE-Queens) should eventually become the Health & Educational Systems of the Hawaiian Nation & peoples.
What would the health system look like?Health as defined by the World Health Organization is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”7 Its objective is “the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.”8 So it should be for the Hawaiian nation.To be determined by the reinstated De Jure Government of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi.See Above.
How would you achieve economic self-sufficiency?Economic self-sufficiency is secondary to a larger question of an economic model to be pursued by the Hawaiian nation. In this model we must find a way to integrate peace, environmental sanity, cultural & religious values, human rights, and respect for ʻāina.To be determined by the reinstated De Jure Government of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi.International human rights law & KLH national policy will govern here. For minimal standards see the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples & Right of Indigenous peoples to Economic Development.9
What would be the land base?Jurisdiction of the Hawaiian Nation would extend to the Hawaiian archipelago as well as the 200 mile economic zone as defined by the Law of the Sea Convention.10 It would include as well, those lands taken by the United States as a result of the intrusion to Hawaiʻi’s self-determination, including Kalama atoll.The complete Hawaiian archipelago and all other islands, such as Palmyra and Christmas Island, that were under the jurisdiction of Kingdom of Hawaiʻi at 1893.KLH is interested in governing the lands and assets which were set aside for Native Hawaiians and Hawaiians. This includes the 5(f) Ceded Lands Trust and the Hawaiian Homelands Trust.
What kind of natural resource management would be implemented?We would maintain initially the current system which the State of Hawaiʻi has adopted, making changes as we make the conversion to our renewed independence.To be determined by the reinstated De Jure Government of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi.KLH shall enact laws for the protection, conservation and management of its natural resources within the Hawaiian archipelago.
How would life as we know it change?Freedom. An independent Hawaiʻi would have control over our population, militarization, foreign trade, tourism, federal income tax, and social security tax. We would also be a movement towards the utilization of the Hawaiian language and values.It depends on your point of view. We look at it as a “non-hostile corporate takeover,” where just the management changes (the people in office), the structure of government continues.If KLH’s form of government is recognized, we will generally continue to live, work, and play as we do today. Your job, social security, retirement or pension from the U.S. or the State would not be affected. The primary change would be that Hawaiian lands and assets would be managed and controlled by laws passed by Ka Lahui’s
Additional Info & ResourcesView websiteKa Lāhui Hawaii is a native initiative for self-governance. Its educational materials were created by Hawaiians for Hawaiians. Since these materials were developed, the UNDRIP (United Nations Declaration on Indigenous Peoples) was passed by the General Assembly in 2007. The Final Declaration passed can be found on the web site of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. Materials contained in this section are copyrighted to Ka Lāhui Hawaii under its initial Kiaʻāina. These materials cannot be utilized for any purpose without the express written consent of the copyright holder. View full response & additional resources
1: See The Law of Nations, Book 1, §199. The Queens protest can be found in the Blount Report on pages 232-233.
2: Art II, Sec. 1.
3: Art II., Sec. 4.
4: KLH, 7.
5: Article II, Section 3. Of Ka Lāhui Hawai’i Constitution. (KLH, 12).
6: KLH Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1, (KLH, 17).
7: Constitution of the World Health Organization which was adopted by the International Health Conference held in New York from 19 June to 22 July 1946 by the representatives of 61 States. Accessed on 29 July 2014.
8: Constitution of the World Health Organization.